Paq Creek Project: Restoring Nature & Creating Educational Opportunities

Paq Creek, flowing from Lily Lake to the ocean near the Madeira Park Post Office, once supported significant cutthroat trout and salmon populations. PHARA is initiating an ambitious project to restore a portion of Paq Creek that currently runs through a failing culvert beneath Madeira Park Elementary School’s playing field.

PHARA's Project Objectives:

1. Restore historic trout and salmon runs

2. Provide educational opportunities for students

3. Eliminate safety hazards associated with the failing underground culvert


The school playground, built in 1952, was originally a wetland prone to flooding. In the 1960s, the creek was directed into a culvert underneath the school grounds. That culvert has been collapsing over time, causing dangerous sinkholes. Our plan involves rerouting and exposing the creek (daylighting) along the edge of the school fields (adjacent to the IGA) between the baseball diamond and Lagoon Road, mitigating this safety risk.

Click here for some anecdotal historical information from locals.

Fisheries Values

Between 1989 and 1994, the unusually large trout from Paq Creek were used by Provincial Fisheries to stock numerous waterbodies on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland. Our project aims to restore and enhance these valuable fish populations.

Educational Opportunities

A restored salmon run adjacent to the school will provide excellent hands-on learning experiences for students and the community. It will offer insights into salmon and trout lifecycles and their importance to both the ecosystem and shíshálh people.

Current Status and Next Steps

We have made significant progress:
– Filed a Rights and Title application with the shíshálh Nation
– Received support in principle from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Sunshine Coast Regional District Infrastructure Services, In Situ Archaeology, and School District 46
– Engaged Dave Bates, a Registered Professional Biologist with 30 years of experience, as an advisor
– Obtained recent property surveys from the school district

Our immediate next steps include:

1. Surveying channel elevations in the existing box culvert

2. Designing the profile and channel cross-section based on survey results

3. Establishing gauging stations to determine water flows

4. Documenting temperature and sampling water quality

Following these steps, we will commission archaeological, environmental, engineering, fisheries, and biological reports.

Project Costs and Funding

We estimate the total project cost at approximately $400,000. We are actively seeking funding from various sources, including initial funding for scientific reports, and plan to apply for additional support from the province, forestry companies, and salmon enhancement groups.

In Closing

By restoring Paq Creek, we aim to revitalize an important ecosystem, create valuable educational opportunities, and address critical safety concerns. Your support can help make this vision a reality for our community and future generations. Please contact us at if you wish to be involved.

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