News & Media

MARCH 15, 2024

Global TV: Sunshine Coast dock management plan updated

The B.C. government and shishálh Nation made changes to a contentious dock management plan for the Sunshine Coast.

FEBRUARY 21, 2024

B.C.’s Land Act changes give First Nations veto over use of Crown Land, from the Fraser Institute blog

FEBRUARY 2, 2024

Global TV Covers the DMP and Land Act Amendments

Interviews with Robin Junger and Sean McAllister (PHARA) in Pender Harbour. 

FEBRUARY 2, 2024

Vaughn Palmer’s second opinion on Land Act amendments in Vancouver Sun

JANUARY 31, 2024

Western Canada: A closer look at B.C.’s plan to change the way land-use decisions are made, by Wendy Cox and Mark Type, Globe and Mail

JANUARY 31, 2024

B.C. government’s plan to co-manage public land with First Nations will close province for business, from the Fraser Institute blog

JANUARY 31, 2024

Vaughn Palmer: B.C. minister says he’s ‘keen’ to discuss plans for Lands Act. Really?

JANUARY 30, 2024

From Vancouver is Awesome on the DMP and the Land Act, by Caroline Elliott, VP of BC United Party.

JANUARY 30, 2024

BC Wildlife Society: B.C. Land Act Amendment and the Future of British Columbia 

JANUARY 29, 2024

Vaughn Palmer: B.C. NDP quietly consult on sweeping changes to managing public lands

JANUARY 26, 2024

Globe and Mail: Justine Hunter: B.C. prepares legislation to share decision-making power with Indigenous groups over public lands. 

JANUARY 14, 2024

Residence’s Assn Challenges the Dock Management Plan.

JANUARY 11, 2024

Opposition to the DMP is not just from the residents!

Watch and share this message from Kevin Falcon, Official Leader of the Opposition & BC United party leader.

JANUARY 1, 2024

The DMP and the Environment, Harbour Spiel

New DMP Proposal Threatens Economic and Environmental Catastrophe.

JANUARY 1, 2024

Harbour Spiel editorial January 2024, by Brian Lee

JANUARY 1, 2024

Opposition to latest Dock Management Plan growing Coast-wide, Harbour Spiel interview with PHARA president Peter Robson

Opposition to latest Dock Management Plan growing Coast-wide.

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