Government’s Request for Dock “Self-Registration”

Recently, the PHARA Board has been contacted by several members regarding a government email requesting the voluntary “self-registration” of docks. We have sought clarification from the government on this matter.   • Click Here to read the letter we sent to Minister Cullen on September 19.• Click Here to read the Ministry’s response from November 14. Key Observations: 1. No […]

PHARA Addresses Housing Needs with the SCRD

The following letter was sent to the SCRD by the PHARA board on January 21. These proposed measures would empower homeowners and developers to be part of the solution and ensure that infrastructure improvements align with community growth. Read the letter

PHARA Hosts All Candidates Forum

A packed house at the Pender Harbour Legion on Oct. 8 set the stage for a spirited all-candidates’ debate hosted by PHARA. The four candidates vying for the Powell River–Sunshine Coast seat tackled key issues, with much of the discussion focused on the contentious Dock Management Plan (DMP) and the province’s Declaration on the Rights […]

PHARA’s Responds to Docks & Boathouses Self Registration

A letter was emailed by the Pender Harbour and Area Residents Association on Thursday, September 19, 2024 to Nathan Cullen, Minister of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, Deputy Minister Lori Halls and Premier David Eby. We received a response from the Province November 14, 2024. Dear Minister Cullen, The Pender Harbour and Area Residents Association […]

PHARA Challenges BC’s Reconciliation Law

A petition has been filed in BC Supreme Court, challenging the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (DRIPA). That is the law the BC government uses to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) in BC. The petition was filed by the Pender Harbour and Area Residents Association […]

Is land use planning the next threat to dock owners?​

PHARA recently received an email from the Provincial government regarding land use planning under the shíshálh Nation Foundation Agreement. PHARA is not allowed at that table. We are concerned, based on comments the government has made, that this could be a new version of the Land Act amendments – controlling Land Act decision-making through another (less obvious) […]

Save Our Community Gardens

PHARA is attempting to develop a strategy to maintain our Neighbourhood Garden adjacent to the Community Hall and Bargain Barn, potentially the triangle gardens at the entrance to Millennium Park and the corner of Highway 101 and Madeira Park Road. Unfortunately, these gardens can no longer be supported by our generous donor. As longtime residents […]

PHARA Volunteers Clean Up Ghost Gear in Pender Harbour

From March 19th to 21st, PHARA in collaboration
with SeaWolf Diving and their seven-person crew, successfully retrieved 2,384 pounds of abandoned nets (also known as ghost gear), tires, Styrofoam, rope, batteries, and other pollutants from the waters of Pender Harbour.   These items were unloaded at the future site of the Pender Ocean Discovery Centre at […]

PHARA’s Townhall: A Resounding Success!

Approximately 150 community members—a full house—attended our October 22, 2023 Town Hall for an engaging 2.5 hours of information and updates and questions and concerns from the audience relating to issues taken on by the Pender Harbour and Area Residents Association (PHARA) on behalf of local residents.   The event started with information on who […]