Ocean Cleanup Project

The Pender Harbour Area Residents Association (PHARA) is dedicated to preserving and restoring the waters of Pender Harbour. PHARA has been actively involved in environmental initiatives and discussions concerning the harbour’s ecosystem.

Recently, PHARA partnered with the Ocean Legacy Foundation on an initial cleanup project. This effort focused on removing, disposing of, and recycling various marine debris, including old gillnets, tires, batteries, and pen nets. This collaboration marked a significant step towards improving the health of the local marine ecosystem. 

PHARA acknowledges the importance of environmental monitoring and the concerns raised by the shíshálh Nation regarding the impact of current dock designs on the marine environment. While perspectives on potential solutions may differ, PHARA remains committed to demonstrating proactive environmental stewardship. 

The Ocean Cleanup program aims to empower local community members to evaluate, monitor, and remove debris and pollution sources in the waters. Local divers and volunteers have identified significant areas of concern, including old gillnets, tires, batteries, net pen nets, and abandoned traps that are adversely affecting the marine environment. 

PHARA appreciates the support received from individuals and organizations within the community. Contributions of equipment, services, and expertise have been instrumental in advancing cleanup efforts. The ongoing support of PHARA members has been crucial to the project’s progress. 

Future plans include expanding efforts to cover additional areas such as Bargain Bay, old fish farm sites, and the Egmont-Earl’s Cove area. PHARA is also committed to addressing the issue of raw sewage and harmful chemicals entering the harbours to safeguard aquatic life and promote biodiversity. 

PHARA seeks collaboration with organizations such as PODS, the Loon Foundation, and the Pender Harbour Wildlife Society to enhance planning and execution processes. The organization is also reaching out to the shíshálh Nation to invite their support and participation in the ocean cleanup project, recognizing the value of First Nations’ wisdom and knowledge in environmental conservation efforts. Community members are invited to join this important endeavor through volunteering, providing resources, or offering expertise in grant applications. Collective action is crucial to creating a cleaner, healthier habitat for present and future generations. PHARA welcomes collaboration on this vital initiative and looks forward to working towards a more sustainable future for Pender Harbour and its surrounding waters.

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PHARA seeks collaboration with organizations such as PODS, the Loon Foundation, and the Pender Harbour Wildlife Society to enhance planning and execution processes. The organization is also reaching out to the shíshálh Nation to invite their support and participation in the ocean cleanup project, recognizing the value of First Nations’ wisdom and knowledge in environmental conservation efforts. Community members are invited to join this important endeavor through volunteering, providing resources, or offering expertise in grant applications. Collective action is crucial to creating a cleaner, healthier habitat for present and future generations. PHARA welcomes collaboration on this vital initiative and looks forward to working towards a more sustainable future for Pender Harbour and its surrounding waters.